Thursday, May 28, 2009

How Do You Delete A Post From Wifelovers

Damn, already in a week early with a bang?

Yep, in a week the first summer medieval festival at Faverney Haute-Saone, with full of old friends from middle medieval! (June 6 and 7!)

Sir Gabriel minstrel redo his herald, and we our antics!

Otherwise ... grueling rehearsal for the show "Al Qayrawan," our oriental tale and epic music, we play 11 and July 12 at the famous Medieval St Ursanne with our friends and neighbors Swiss Confederation for hosting us for the 4th time in their walls!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Perennialism And Essentialism

Come on, I'll try ...

To keep this pretty new blog updated with future first dates of the Company:

6 and 7 June 2009 Faverney, Haute-SaƓne, for an international tournament, nothing that!
13 and 14 June 2009 in Provins, here is the biggest party in Europe or thereabouts, we will not be idle! As seems

Lisette (pictured), I am stubborn but not so stupid! I bet * that finally I get to keep this blog updated!

* Uh, not much.