Friday, December 17, 2010

Bottom Of Left Foot Is Numb

SSAS 2005 Change default SSAS database

Here the problem I faced: AS user query via Excel, have a connection string in this instance AS without specifying the database (Keyword Catalog absent from the connection string : to avoid). After several hours of use, they realize that their numbers are not good and for good reason. The day before, new versions of their databases had been delivered in an order that, I do not know why, has changed the basis called default. Suddenly, their requests were attacking the wrong database (the Catalog is not specified, the default database is used).

My question: how determine the base that is used by default by our body? In SQL, a query such Exec sp_defaultdb @ loginame = 'monLogin', @ defdb = 'mydb' can change this setting easily. I have not found the equivalent on SSAS, in any case not in 2005 (I have not watched for 2008 and 2008R2).

Digging a little in the xml files of AS, I found the solution. Each database has a file called "reference" for the entire proceeding. The name of this file is of the form NomDeMaBaseAS.db.xml. It contains between another name and ID of the database, the parameters of translation, annotations, etc.. It also contains a property that is called Ordinal, and which specifically states that the square of the database among the other via a number. If the ordinal is 0, this basis will be the first, 1 second and so on. The base with the smallest ordinal which will be considered the default. So just arrange for the database you want to set as the default has the smallest ordinal. Tedious when there are many database (a little trick to avoid having to through all the files to find the smallest ordinal is to give a negative value to the ordinal of the default database: it works). That is why if ever you know of another solution, I'm interested. Other details, I do not know how these are determined ordinals during deployment.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Amethyst Which Finger To Wear


That, dear friends,
This winter we have taken the pressure off, everyone was cheer in his household gods or to personal projects, the company is in winter break!
It feels good, sometimes plunging his nose into the snow and wait patiently for the winter is done ...
So Happy Yule to all!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Watch Peliculas En Espanol Online

Passage MCT

Go hop, another topic that SSAS to change. I just pass my MCT (Microsoft Certified Trainer). FYI, this certification is a prerequisite for providing the official Microsoft (it's good, I aspired to become professor of physics and chemistry the output tray). Of course, the party will concern me is the IB (it should also be before MCT MCITP for SQL Server 2008, are 70-448 and 70-452 certifications for BI).
The exam consists of two parts. The first is a quiz that offers 10 to manage conflict situations, which must find the right thing to do. For example, any situation: a student does not feel concerned by what you tell, how to reinstate the group?
The second part is a presentation of a technical subject in 15 minutes. The subject on which I fell is "the presentation panel configuration. Suffice to say that you will not be assessed on your knowledge, but rather on the shape of your oral delivery.

Key points for successful certification:
  • A good oral presentation (poise, voice, tone, movement in the room, etc.).
  • A bit of diplomacy in conflict management (for QCM)
  • support specific training (Power Point, prepared by you before the passage of the certification)
  • Special attention to your students (do they follow, is what they all included)
  • Interaction with your audience
If some of you feel the soul of a trainer ...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Is Incest Thinking Wrong?

Extract your XMLA script database creation in SSAS

I was asked not long ago it was possible to retrieve the script for the creation of AS basis. Of course, Managment Studio lets just do it. But in our case, the creation script should be recovered during backups, so in an automated manner.
For this, there are classes that allow OMA to do so fairly easily. A code like the one below it will give you an example:

srv.Connect ("MyServer \\ MonInstanceAS");
Database db = srv.Databases.FindByName ("mydatabase");
Scripter scripter = new Scripter ();
System . Xml.XmlTextWriter xmlWriter = new System.Xml.XmlTextWriter ("C: \\ \\ MonScript.xml" Encoding.UTF8)
Scripter.WriteCreate (xmlWriter, srv, db, true, true);
xmlWriter . Close ();

The last two parameters of the method WriteCreate of your script are:
  • fullExpanded:
- false: the script does contriendra the creation of the database
- true: it will feature all of your database objects (dimensions, cubes, etc.).
  • AllowOverwrite:
- False: when running the script, if the database exists, it will not be crushed
- true: the reverse

The Scripter object has other methods you can find on the net or in the book Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Unleashed.
If ever there who likes to take the lead, you can "parse" the result of a query as XMLA DISCOVER_XML_METADATA which also contains the full description of your base (I say this because this is what I wanted to do at first).

MS SQL Server Analysis Services Unleashed (Chapter 34, p 694)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Red Spots Roof Of Mouth

AMO A transaction processing stuck on my body AS 2005

I recently found a problem blocking processing AS Cube. At first, we tend to think that the processing just takes longer than usual. But when it is 12 it turns to an operation that normally takes 1 hour, there's still enough to ask questions.
By observing the performance counters, we find that in my case, the body is still trying to calculate the indexes of my scores, and it's long it lasts:

Green curve: number of lines read
Blue curve: number of lines "processées"
Green curve: number of lines written
yellow curve: Number of partitions in which the indexes and aggregations are calculus course (right axis)

And in the same time at the CPU consumption, we find that larger thing happens, which is absolutely not normal because usually, the steps of indexing / aggregation are consuming the most CPU resources during the processing :

Green curve: consolidated CPU%
This situation occurs mainly on large server configurations in 64 bits. An article by Wayne Robertson explains here perfectly why and how.
It's actually a problem of allocation of threads to AS when their number exceeds the property value ThreadPool Process Max. There is an empirical calculation of the value to be imposed on this property, and is also explained in the article above. I'll still recall here:
Sum the values of the following performance counters (values recorded during the hang of processing):
  • Processing Pool Idle Threads
  • Processing Pool Busy Threads
  • Processing Pool Job Queue Length
Note: attention both to changing this parameter. Other properties of AS are taken into account in order to maintain system balance. Info are available in the very good performance guide white paper you will find here (see page 65: Executing Processing jobs).

And to go further, an entire chapter is devoted to managing threads in the book SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services Unleashed (Chapter 28, p 521).

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Cosmetica Brand Brushes

Mabanckou reads his latest novel on Europe 1

the night of Thursday, October 7 to Friday, October 8, Alain Mabanckou read his latest novel Tomorrow I shall be twenty on Europe 1.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blood Banks That Pay For B - Blood

Spree and marmots in the Haut-Doubs!

Okay, well this time we are 3 days before! I'm getting better
! We will
2 and 3 October at the medieval festival, not of Minas Tirith, but the Chateau de Joux in Doubs, yes ladies and gentlemen, this jewel of architecture throughout the centuries ...
No, I will never complain of our business, in any event, this aspect is ...
And here he is, the site of the event, while at times!
And in addition there will be plenty Buddy !!!!!!

Emu Stinger A Emu Bronte

HardMemoryLimit on SSAS 2008

If you're like me (again) the tuning of instances SSAS 2005, you certainly know the properties LowMemoryLimit (LML) and TotalMemoryLimit (TML). The purpose of this post is not to present the function of these two elements: for that you'll find information here (page 92).

Edit of 08/10/2010: I just found a very good blog post from Francis Jehl explains the intricacies of this setup: see here

AS 2008 introduces a new property for its business model of memory: the HardMemoryLimit (HML). Few documents speak of this property. I found a reference here (thank you Thomas).
The HML is setting the same way as the TML and TML. It allows you to enter an even more aggressive garbage collection: if need the whole memory shrinkable will be emptied as well as current orders (processing and motion) may be canceled.
Beware however, similarly to the TML and TML, the HML is not a physical limit of memory consumption, which makes us also think that his name is a misnomer.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Simple Risk Tolerance Questionnaire

"TOMORROW I WILL HAVE TWENTY YEARS awarded the Prix Georges Brassens 2010

Award Georges Brassens, with an amount of 4500 euro was introduced in recent years. It rewards a novel whose form and content are close to the universe of Georges Brassens: outspoken, daring, love of words, the novel vintage Georges Brassens was a popular novel, accessible.
The jury is composed of friends of George, including Mario Poletti and Alain Wicker, writers, artists of the fifteenth arrondissement of Paris, book professionals, the bookstore and library, all in love Brassens.

Winners of the Prix Georges Brassens:
2010 Alain Mabanckou Tomorrow I shall be twenty (Gallimard)


Mario Poletti (Honorary President)
Karine Papillaud (Le Point, 20 minutes ... )
Nathalie Crom (Telerama)
Isabelle Jarry (author)
Veronique Jacob (editor)
Mr. Wicker and BAEP
Mohamed Aissaoui (Le Figaro, the newspaper)
Taraskoff Mark (artist, illustrator)
Bertrand Dicale (author)
Philippe Touron (Book)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Swallen Glands Before Menstruation

Edit Administrator role XMLA

In the series "It's always good to know how to do otherwise", a brief presentation of how to change server roles on SSAS other than Management Studio.
To recall, the server role is one that can be a director of SA instance (note: no service AS, but just part of data management, the rights to the service are at the OS ). On
SSMS, we proceed in this way: right click on the instance, then Properties Security .
ASCMD With an XMLA with this head can dispense with Management Studio (a real pain at times):

\u0026lt; Alter AllowCreate = "true " ObjectExpansion = " ObjectProperties " xmlns = " " >
\u0026lt; Object > ;
\u0026lt; RoleID > Administrators \u0026lt;/ RoleID >
\u0026lt;/ Object >
\u0026lt; ObjectDefinition >
\u0026lt; Role xmlns: XSD = " " xmlns: XSi = " ">
\u0026lt; ID > Administrators \u0026lt;/ ID >
\u0026lt; Name > Administrators \u0026lt;/ Name >
\u0026lt; Members >
        < Name > Domaine\Nom </ Name >
        </ Member >
      </ Members >
\u0026lt;/ Role >
\u0026lt;/ ObjectDefinition >
\u0026lt;/ Alter >

Friday, September 17, 2010

Solving Schrodinger's Equation In Mathematica

huge and Fire Follette

A fiery tale!

We'll play tomorrow night at Luxeuil in high-Saone, yes da! At 21 hours!
A pixie who will not be pushed around by the defeatism in ambient magical beings, decided to revive the magic, and his task will be difficult because this requires, awaken the terrible, cruel, frightening the huge beast. ..

Well, okay, I tell you a bit like that at the last moment, yes, but ...
you tomorrow anyway?

Photo Gerard Wiesemann.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How Long To Keep Marzetti Coleslaw

Change the location of the configuration file AS (MSMDSRV.INI)

Here is a trick to changing the location of the configuration file of your SSAS instance.
a reminder this configuration file contains the properties for your SSAS instance (the MemoryLimit, the path of your data files, settings FlightRecorder, etc..).
Changing location is via the registry editor. We must change the value located in ImagePath HKLM-SYSTEM-CurrentControlSet-Services and MSSQLServerOLAPService (for default instance) or MSOLAP $ InstanceName (for a named instance). The path MSMDSRV.INI is after the-s option
Hint, handling should be done with the body off AS.

Note: if ever the location specified in the registry key is the wrong (a typo Are Real), SSAS will still be started and will create a brand new configuration file in the specified location, but with all default settings. Caution so if you have customized your file, because in this case, the values of your parameters will be those that we find in the installation of proceeding.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

French Dr P Vandertramp

On the Web ...

A promise is due (for those who follow my little messages! ) .

Here is a comment on Toiles du Soleil , fabrics reel Fairy particularly likes for its strength (thick canvas), its color (... the Sun! ) and from ... !
Because yes, all this beautiful world is created in direct SOUTH ;-) (note : Finally, now I'm further south, but hey ...) !

Born into a centuries-old tradition, weaving craft Catalan has developed in the late nineteenth century th.
By saving the last textile mill village (Saint-Laurent-de-Cerdans), Les Toiles du Soleil have revived the great tradition of weaving Catalan .
The same looms as those of old again produce beautiful paintings with patterns and colors typical made for a very long time the reputation of this table linen.
Authentic, these products are the result of a method of weaving and know-how passed down from generation to generation but also because of the used natural materials: cotton and the the flax .

And p'tite nice touch of history is that many villages in the region have created a painting in their honor (eg the one I used for my first medium- picture is the canvas of Ceret).

Here, so now you know everything, I hope you discover all that can be created from this beautiful area ...

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How Does A Illinois Drivers

first "re" creation!

At the "heart" of the subject ...
But what?

hooooo, a new invention reel Fairy ... (promised at the 2nd, I will avoid this kind of phrase!).

And yes, motivated by the fact that this object has been created as a "gift " for the wedding of childhood friends (hence the little heart ... this is my side romAntiqueuh! ).

Gone, I lift the tape (I'm out of stock curtain ...) for you this accessory "indispensable" to Interior decoration ...

It support a photo , to drag your little memories papers under his little colored ribbons !

I designed it with the Toile du Soleil , ribbons (so!), And lil 'buttons ...
What makes me think that I must write you a little text on these famous paintings as they will be featured in my next creations.

Support photo Toile du Soleil Ceret (marriage Carine & Arnaud)

> Petit wink ;-) Vivi

> "Author's Note "promised the next time I try to take a picture" most advantageous "because there is not super great (I'm mostly interested in shooting macro of contents).

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Online Indian Satellite Channels

I "rewind" ..!

Top the hearts !
Here the return of reel Fairy after a great (see gigantic) poses in the diet of my little blog!
And because the work is good for the wallet, but suddenly I did not much damn near ...
Anyway ... I digress!
So to summarize what can be, I'm available again for my little hobby and then my little chatter about this because I recently installed my machines (and especially my brothel ) side of Ajaccio. I count
find a job, but it seems a little hard on Island Beauty, so until I am back to create some tinkering p'tites and I count on you to tell me what you think ( and more if affinity !).
Feel free to spread the word, it would make me a great service ;-)

This potential in the idea of becoming "entrepreneur " of my crazy ideas ...
Ouhlaaa, there's still work to do, but it could be the opportunity to ask the 1st stone my empire ... mouhahaha ;-)
Gone, now that the "re"-presentations were made, hey ben there's more than ...
I'll try to publish as regularly as possible all that I traffic, hoping that it will interest someone my little spiel !

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Breadmachine Squeaking

MY NOVELS 7 September 2010

7oo More books will be published during the literary season. Among those I read - and believe me, those who claim to have lie read everything - here are seven dramas that I advise you, hoping you will be as delighted as me when reading these texts. Some of them are discovered, others are from the authors that "I watch" for a while and, without doubt, have finally found their place in this profusion of publication. Beigbeder wrote it rightly: the new literary French is a disease that is important not to treat.
Happy reading!

1. Marc Dugain, Insomnia stars , Gallimard

The novel takes place during the fall of 1945 when the Allies occupied Berlin and German territory. It all started when French soldiers fall on an isolated farm and discovered the charred body of a man and a teenager who lives in the state of "savage."
The uniqueness of this novel is a psychological shift. The progress of the investigation by the French captain, an astronomer in the civilian heroes of Monte Cassino responsible for administering the occupied area (a township) and discovers with dismay the extermination of psychiatric patients, will eventually lead to a calculated and cynical approach towards officials "treatment" of patients. It will push the psychiatrist Warden to the fatal act. This book is also a reflection on lighting arbitrary depending on whether one is victorious or defeated, or idealistic ideologue, master or slave. A novel that will satisfy any filmmaker, because here is almost a real Dugain exceptional scenario, with images of very accomplished achievement ...

2. Virginie Despentes, Apocalypse Baby , Grasset Ed

In this novel stripper, the reader quickly take its bearings and launches, too, from Paris to Barcelona behind two heroines who are in search of young Valentine. A majestic universe in which the "trash" is not necessarily where we expect it, especially since the two private detectives searching for the girl are not saints ...

3. Olivier Adam, The Heart regular , Ed L'Olivier

Here Olivier Adam, who rushes to Japan. Who said that the island was French literature? Adam is one major exception: he lives across the sea, St. Malo, the appeal of travel is constant. This trip did not make him losing what made the success and originality of his books: the deconstruction of the disappearance and escape. This was illustrated by Sarah leaves for Japan to try to understand the death of his brother Nathan. There would have plunged into some exoticism and sentimentality, Adam called the force of a poetic language in these
time so rare ...

4 . Yahia Belaskri, If you are looking for rain, it comes from above , Ed Wind elsewhere (to be published Sept. 23).
The bus in the city , the first novel left me sense Yahia Belaskri he prepared us another insight of Algerian society and put it in the heart of his narrative the female energy - a more sensitive than the condition in Africa where feminism is more than regrettable.
In If you seek it rain from above , Belaskri tells the story of a young university family prey on the wall, but also to the ills and "the words" that plague contemporary Algeria: Violence , corruption, religious extremism. Must resist, stay put or take the path of elsewhere? This woman's destiny could be sketched without highlighting the bitterness of another being confronted "the system" Adel a man who, near or far is related to our university ...

5. Mathias Enard, Tell them about battles, kings and elephants , Actes Sud.

In 1506, the Sultan Bajazet would like Michelangelo design a bridge the Golden Horn, a project originally planned for Da Vinci. Enard then imagine Michelangelo accepting this company as it, besides the need for money, has in mind the idea of surpassing genius of da Vinci. What's in this realization that will make Michelangelo? Mathias Enard positioned itself increasingly as one of the most erudite writers of the French literary landscape. With this book it is still a beautiful "perfection of the shot."

6. Rodney Saint-Eloi, Haiti, the Kenber, my country ripped in 35 seconds and completely rebuild , Michel Lafon (forthcoming September 9)

is the opposite one of the "hostages" of the earthquake which hit Haiti last year . A story that the author calls "testimony-polyphonic narrative." For in this book is not only the author's voice we hear. It is the voice of Haitians and, in some respects, it is not necessary to say that the people who wrote this book in which scrolls any geography the first black republic. Rodney Saint-Eloi - who is a poet and editor in Montreal - that shows compassion and commiseration are not words rooted in the vocabulary of Haitians. It is a people standing and wishes to remain so. A moving book and against the forces of forgetfulness ...

7. Stephanie Rattle, The distribution of light , Ed Flammarion

Stephanie Rattle - as I watch the last few years - is back in top form in this story very polyphonic and features a teenage characters almost escaped from The Catcher in the heart of Salinger. In a world of abandonment must live with the resources we have, and help each other. A novel crossed with a commitment that will perhaps not smile Berlusconi. This very accomplished writing we would even forget that "the best crimes are those who operate the main laws of physics" ...

Golden Retriever Cakes

Ferdinand Oyono: The death of the father of "Old negro and the medal"

While Africa and France celebrate fifty years of African independence, a witness this time of the emancipation of the former French territories continent has passed away this June 10: the Cameroonian writer Ferdinand Oyono. Born in 1929, his work is a photograph of the encounter between the black man and white man's land in Africa. There is no doubt the author to be scrutinized carefully the colonial period, with a scathing humor. His novel "The Old negro and the Medal ", one of the most studied works in Africa, published in 1956 - thus predating Independence - keeps a startling news. In this fiction, formerly an old African soldier of the French Empire and who fought to defend this show its continued commitment by sending his two children later ... who will die for France. Meka is not his last act of devotion as it also will divest its land to France at the Catholic mission. France is sensitive this attitude and will reward the old man: he was promised a medal ... the night of the ceremony, drunk to death, after many vicissitudes, Meka end in jail and will include the borders between the white world of his country and that "indigenous" in overcrowded slums.

Oyono and we showed a naked African, lured by the colonial power that used the strength of Aboriginal rewarded with a dish of lentils. Location that most Senegalese sharpshooters will never forget.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Indian Boobs Without Cloths

Clear Cache objects SSAS

I put here a handy piece of code that can empty the cache of a few items on SSAS.
At the base:
\u0026lt; ClearCache xmlns = " " >
\u0026lt; Object >
\u0026lt; DatabaseID > Adventure Works DW 2008 \u0026lt;/ DatabaseID >
\u0026lt;/ Object >
\u0026lt;/ ClearCache >

level of a cube Background:
< ClearCache xmlns = " " >
  < Object >
    < DatabaseID > Adventure Works DW 2008 </ DatabaseID >
    < CubeID > Adventure Works \u0026lt;/ CubeID >
\u0026lt;/ Object >
\u0026lt;/ ClearCache > ;

For a group of measurement:
\u0026lt; ClearCache xmlns = " " > ;
\u0026lt; Object >
    < DatabaseID > Adventure Works DW 2008 </ DatabaseID >
    < CubeID > Adventure Works </ CubeID >
    < MeasureGroupID > Internet Orders \u0026lt;/ MeasureGroupID >
\u0026lt;/ Object >
\u0026lt;/ ClearCache >

Please note, these commands require XMLA well the ID objects, not their name. Under Management Studio, databases and cubes, we find the information in the properties of these objects (right-click Properties ).
However, this manipulation is not possible for measure groups. In this case, we can do it this way: Right click the measurement group-Script Have Measure Group To Create and retrieve the ID in the creation script. Besides, if you ever have another solution, I'm interested: it does not satisfy me.
And not having to search for them later these scripts, we can integrate them to the templates already present in Management Studio (thank you Romuald). To do this, go to the View menu - Template Explorer pane to display the Template Explorer, click on the cube of the window to view the models.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Farmville On Blackberry?

Freeze SA: Competition between Processing and MDX

Here is a recurrent problem of freezes found an instance SSAS 2005 which I faced a number of times (attention, this problem has not been found on 2008).
I begin by saying that the freeze AS may be due to a multitude of sources I use here only one of them clearly identified.
You So SSAS an instance that runs well until you notice that:
  • You have a processing operation in progress on one of your bases that do not end
  • Some of your users are complaining because they can no longer get their data cube
  • Any new connection to the proceeding is impossible, however, connections established before the freeze remain active, but as seen above, some queries no longer passes
Those are the basic symptoms. Now look at what is happening on our monitoring tools (by Performance Monitor and SQL Profiler)

There is a transaction on the Profiler is being canceled by AS: Why? Because a processing is about to end and tries to cancel the outstanding requests that use the files that this processing attempts to modify (see ForceCommitTimeout).

On Perfmon, we can observe that y 'a problem of CPU usage (plateau from 1:40 p.m. generated by the non release of resources by the current processing and cancellation of requests). Besides, if we control the value of the number of thread given to AS, we note that changes little or not at all.

Notes: Green Curve: Using server CPU / purple curve: CPU Usage by AS
Ordinate:% of use
Abscissa: Time
The almost complete blocking the body is due to two factors:
  • A transaction processing current
  • A query whose cancellation time is extremely long: in our case, when calculating cells NON EMPTY the rollback takes a long time. This behavior was changed with the advent of 2008 and Subspace Computation (Computation or Block). That is why for the moment this problem has been observed that under 2005
Why new connections to the proceeding can not succeed? Simply because ASA does not establish new connections / queries when processing a transaction is in its phase commit . It places them in its queue. If you find yourself in this situation, there are two solutions:
  • Wait actual cancellation of the request
  • Or restart the instance AS
The fact is that these two proposals are not all satisfactory. Wait several minutes / hours, or restart the instance. Fortunately, there are ways to circumvent this problem:
  • The use of NON EMPTY to BEHAVIOUR optimization orders NON EMPTY (attention to its use in 2008)
  • Rewriting the MDX (not always possible, depending on the client tool)
  • The transition to 2008 (and yes)

Some documents :

Subspace / Block Computing:
SSAS 2008 Performance Guide , paragraph
NON EMPTY behavior:
Blog Marco Russo
SSAS Unleashed, Chapter 12, P196-197, Chapter 29 p 541

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Big Kid Shoe Size Chart

Sunday, July 25, Feast of the assault Remparts Nozeroy!
It will, we'll be there! Walls-a-Nozeroy-25-July-2010-54144270.html

Friday, July 9, 2010

Design A Dress Fee Online

Hi friends! We will be
Montbazon (37) and his beautiful tower of July 10 to 14, then Vouvant July 18, is in the Vendee, and that is inhabited by the fairy Melusine, you can be certain!
This article is short, but we go there we will fly short!
Then back in Franche-Comte, to attack the ramparts Nozeroy July 25!
you soon on the road, dear friends. Remember

provided the international equestrian jousting tournament at Moncley (25) 10 and 11 July!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Razor Scooter 100mm Wheels

Brunei Cameroon: modern mechanical postage


Letter from one bank to another bank (Credit Lyonnais)
3 November 1963 (Yaoundé, Paris).
When stamps were already marked "Federal Republic of Cameroon",
the mechanical postage still bore "Republic of Cameroon"

For the introduction to this country, see previous post.
