Friday, December 17, 2010

Bottom Of Left Foot Is Numb

SSAS 2005 Change default SSAS database

Here the problem I faced: AS user query via Excel, have a connection string in this instance AS without specifying the database (Keyword Catalog absent from the connection string : to avoid). After several hours of use, they realize that their numbers are not good and for good reason. The day before, new versions of their databases had been delivered in an order that, I do not know why, has changed the basis called default. Suddenly, their requests were attacking the wrong database (the Catalog is not specified, the default database is used).

My question: how determine the base that is used by default by our body? In SQL, a query such Exec sp_defaultdb @ loginame = 'monLogin', @ defdb = 'mydb' can change this setting easily. I have not found the equivalent on SSAS, in any case not in 2005 (I have not watched for 2008 and 2008R2).

Digging a little in the xml files of AS, I found the solution. Each database has a file called "reference" for the entire proceeding. The name of this file is of the form NomDeMaBaseAS.db.xml. It contains between another name and ID of the database, the parameters of translation, annotations, etc.. It also contains a property that is called Ordinal, and which specifically states that the square of the database among the other via a number. If the ordinal is 0, this basis will be the first, 1 second and so on. The base with the smallest ordinal which will be considered the default. So just arrange for the database you want to set as the default has the smallest ordinal. Tedious when there are many database (a little trick to avoid having to through all the files to find the smallest ordinal is to give a negative value to the ordinal of the default database: it works). That is why if ever you know of another solution, I'm interested. Other details, I do not know how these are determined ordinals during deployment.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Amethyst Which Finger To Wear


That, dear friends,
This winter we have taken the pressure off, everyone was cheer in his household gods or to personal projects, the company is in winter break!
It feels good, sometimes plunging his nose into the snow and wait patiently for the winter is done ...
So Happy Yule to all!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Watch Peliculas En Espanol Online

Passage MCT

Go hop, another topic that SSAS to change. I just pass my MCT (Microsoft Certified Trainer). FYI, this certification is a prerequisite for providing the official Microsoft (it's good, I aspired to become professor of physics and chemistry the output tray). Of course, the party will concern me is the IB (it should also be before MCT MCITP for SQL Server 2008, are 70-448 and 70-452 certifications for BI).
The exam consists of two parts. The first is a quiz that offers 10 to manage conflict situations, which must find the right thing to do. For example, any situation: a student does not feel concerned by what you tell, how to reinstate the group?
The second part is a presentation of a technical subject in 15 minutes. The subject on which I fell is "the presentation panel configuration. Suffice to say that you will not be assessed on your knowledge, but rather on the shape of your oral delivery.

Key points for successful certification:
  • A good oral presentation (poise, voice, tone, movement in the room, etc.).
  • A bit of diplomacy in conflict management (for QCM)
  • support specific training (Power Point, prepared by you before the passage of the certification)
  • Special attention to your students (do they follow, is what they all included)
  • Interaction with your audience
If some of you feel the soul of a trainer ...