Thursday, March 3, 2011

Doujins De Bulma De Dragon Ball

We Fairy point?

And yet after a short hop from 6 months reel Fairy takes the floor on his little blog! Sorry for taking so long to give you news you my "fervent supporters" ( ... fans should not have much y'en?! ), but it was for a good cause .. .

Hahaaaaaaa, the suspense is unbearable ;-D

In brief, in short, in October last I found a job in the newspaper as a free Corsica computer graphics, but good, filling professional happiness was not to go ... Especially that running through my little head, OFFICIAL launch of reel Fairy ...

And then we no longer talk of a short hop, I can assure you! The event is at the height of my thirst for challenge ( mouhahah !), But it is not easy to achieve ...
Indeed, it is quite disconcerting to have to manage both the administrative side ( a multitude of obligations and tricks ), without losing sight of the creative side ...
Finally, to paraphrase a wise man who shares my life ... "without risk, no success" (or "at the foot of the wall can be seen best" ... it depends on the day!).

Bon gone, I blablate but I think it is finally time to unveil this new project that finally allows reel Fairy to stand on its own wings ( finally ... The metaphor is pretty, the reality is quite different for the moment! ).

Here's my card. The tone is set reel Fairy's main focus will create beautiful world for babies and children . I will work in partnership with a boutique 2 steps from my house that sells furniture, accessories and clothing for these little ones toddlers (and "expensive" in every sense of the term!).

And if not, if you want something, are indicating , I'm here for ;-) > show "The Business of reel Fairy."
A shop will follow ... er, long ! to allow reel Fairy to share the little world of children "All Over the World!" ( just that, oh yes! ).

For now my creations are buried among the "creative bazaar" of my workshop ( which will soon resume his duties first as guest room, beautiful days bringing the hits! ). But once I accumulated a little gold mine for all these ideas last updated , I would not fail you know.

Gone, I'll stop there for the recovery (f aut not overdo either! ) because my boss is very nice, but it would be back to work Miss Fairy ;-)

For those (or those) who use Facebook, I'll post a little message to each update of the blog, like that you can to rush (hey not push, will y 'for all the world!)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

What To Write In A Baby Card Funny

So goes the world (9): Aime Cesaire celebrated by Papa Samba Diop


In his book The Poetry of Aime Cesaire (Ed. Honore Champion, 2011, 624p) academic Senegalese Papa Samba Diop reminds us that the path of the great poet Aime Cesaire is inseparable from those of his two companions Leopold Sedar Senghor and Leon Damas Gontran. And to illustrate how the author of Notebook of a Return to My Native Land was one of the loudest voices, the University of flipping through all his poetry together by Daniel Maximin and Gilles Carpentier in a book published in 1994 by Editions du Seuil [1] .
What is thus characterized Césaire's poetry? It is a poetry of "territory", but "national roots." Césaire speaks for the voiceless, and even if the song comes from a Negro, it affects all be reduced to injustice, inferiority and lessening. Poetry becomes the "miraculous weapons" of these "wretched of the earth." Each book will be published by Césaire one key factor in the process of the writer in order to regain what other civilizations have violated or do not recognize the black world. In this spirit, Notebook of a return home is an act of dissent, awareness of a people who missed her cry, the cry of revolt. Weapons miraculous, highly influenced by the book Surrealism, operate a break with all poetry "pure rhetoric". This is opposed to this, the constraints of colonial rule. Cadastre recommends to "break all the chains, whether physical or symbolic," while Soleil Cou Coupe covers several themes dear to the author: the symbols of the serpent, the "astral geomancy and overdetermination , "" Firefly as fertilizing element of poetic alchemy ... "Here, as stated Papa Samba Diop, the song crosses the border "to the borders of China and India." The collection Fittings, published in 1960 condemned the "abduction" of space - the Caribbean - and advocates the "historical and cultural roots." Me, laminar appeared in 1982 when the poet enters its sixty-ninth year. Writing is alleviated, but the rejection of the bid remains sustainable. The "old lion" has kept her claws and does not kick the ass.
These major collections - which must be added the scattered texts and accompanied by extra editions of new texts - based a work whose structure and substance take stock of obsessive dreams to a reality that requires continual struggle. It is a work crossed by both nostalgia and utopia, and the epic chronicle, the religious and the wonderful hymn to Martinique and "serenade to the Universal."
Papa Samba Diop For 's voice cracked Césaire, cosmic, collective rhythm, memory, liturgical and sacred, with an accuracy of verb that shows knowledge of the language entomological "masters". Hence the plurality of registers from the "insults" to the "nonsense" to achieve a "writing of the Apocalypse".

Papa Samba Diop
In sum, this first part of the book emphasizes a work-oriented geographic space (the Caribbean Islands) and confronted with the colonial history (Martinique have been linked to the crown of France from 1674). To achieve the universal dimension - and thus leave the insular - Cesaire convene constantly places of history and myths of world civilizations. Cosmogony and history are African, so the land of reconciliation, of homecoming. And Africa, in this work sprawl, is understood in a broader sense, since the poet based on the emblematic figures of the black world as Patrice Lumumba (Congo) or Toussaint L'Ouverture (Haiti) or the African American space. Such an approach is necessarily responsible for "policy" of engagement and whose accents were already evident from the first author's text, the Notebook of a return home .

The second part of the book familiarizes us with the "lexicon of Césaire's poetry." We discover the words, myths, phrases or places currents through the poetic world of Cesaire. Organized alphabetically, the entries we recall the original meaning of such words and phrases and the use made by Césaire in his various collections. For example the word "negritude" as Césaire in his employ Book, page 23: " same misery and that we, Haiti where negritude stood up for the first time and she said believed in his humanity. " Or, on the same page of the book, "Nantes": "And I tell myself Bordeaux and Nantes and Liverpool and New York and San Francisco / not a piece of this world does my fingerprint. "
Book salutary Poetry of Aimé Césaire Papa Samba Diop opens new perspectives in understanding the work of a poet whose words still resonate and continue to resonate because it redefines our humanity. And so goes the world and us

Alain Mabanckou
( A longer version of this article is published in Magazine Literary March 2011, number 506 )

[1] Aime Cesaire: The Poetry , edition prepared by Daniel Maximin and Gilles Carpentier. Paris, Seuil, 1994, 546 pages.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Costco Bakery- Latest Order Form

way of the world (8): Beyoncé blacker than ever!

more exotic and authentic than me you die!
It is difficult to play with the color of the skin, especially when the Americans seized the issue and speculate all day long. But what has happened, then it comes to a sense of provocation in the U.S., in a debate we would have gladly left for France where happened the "object of the crime"? Nevertheless, the fashion editors here are in turmoil since Beyoncé asked in the French magazine L'Officiel . Indeed, for his 90 th anniversary The Official boasts of "afford" Beyonce. We had every reason in the world - and also the ghetto - to rejoice in this honor, especially as pictured in "true negro" also makes, in the pages of this organ, a stirring tribute to the great Nigerian musician Fela which Jay-Z also spends a musical tribute.
But there is a catch that has plagued the Americans known for their way never to give in terms of color. For them it is not a dermal or epidermal question is a historical question. And it still left with good feelings to think otherwise when night falls. So it's fair that they do not appreciate that we have chosen to "blacken" the wife of Jay-Z . For many it is a garish exoticism, a flashback started since few years by some magazines including Vogue - in its French and Italian. Europe would have it a kind of sudden impulse of repentance - to paraphrase Pascal Bruckner?

Beyonce is indeed a black woman, but why black abundantly since there are several "black colors? We wanted well the link to Africa, to a certain idea we have of this continent. Oh, the more one is black (like the character from the novel by Daniel Biyaoula , deadlock, Ed African Presence 1997), one is African? Devil! The blackness would it then levels? Who George Foreman (darker) and Mohammed Ali (lighter) would be more African?
The American Dodai Stewart
And some voices like Dodai Stewart - editor of the famous online magazine - of irony and wonder:
"C is fun to play with fashion and makeup, and indeed the history of fashion is marked by the provocation and the destruction of borders. But when her face painted and the intention to appear more African, do we not reduced to a color - very dark - a continent made up of different nations, rich in its cultures, its many tribes and history ? "

Y has a problem with my raffia, huh??
Meanwhile another observer of American fashion, Kristin Wong in Hollyscoop stresses controversy: "The problem is that if Beyonce had posed without makeup everyone would have countered that she is too white (to embody Africa). And, in an ironical tone, Wong wondered why Beyoncé was not simply asked French magazine to take pictures of his butt? Oh, we forgot that. And for good reason, truth often hides behind. Where is Africa? Wait until I turn around, you'll see her in all her splendor, and its forms!
Kristin Wong joked she really? I do not think we do not mess with this issue in America. Sacred Wong! Anyway this is called throwing oil on the fire. Now the poor Beyonce knows that this is how goes the world and us.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mn Daisys Patch Placement

Attach / Detach manual

The process of online / off line or attach / detach a database (very useful sometimes) is a feature appeared from 2008.
forces in 2005, big concerns for this operation, hence my problem today: the relocation of an AS 2005 instance in which only the data disks from the old forum have been kept (with the directory. "Db" is it already): Of course, we want to recover these bases that we do not have backups (only directories containing the data file).

If you manage your instances of 2005 with SSMS 2008, actually, in the menu there are many possible make a Detach your database: all you say right away that it does not work.

So two options: Either you
  • change in the configuration file of your instance AS datadir property by filling in the directory that contains your old data, then restart the instance to reflect this change, then backup databases, then re-change the datadir directory path with initial data, then re-start the instance and finally a newly created Restore backups. The cleanest method, but heavy, especially if you have 20 bases up to back then.
  • EITHER method, a little more brutal but saves time: copy and paste the old directories. "db" XML files ". db.xml", and the master.vmp CryptKey.bin in your data directory Current, a restart of the instance and voila. Of course, this works with an instance "empty" without this database first. Otherwise, it will be deleted when you restart the instance for not referenced in the new (old) file master.vmp.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Free Draught Excluder Pattern

way of the world (7): Portrait of Sami Tchak

Chak De Sami should never wait for consensus. It does not work in flock, he wanders alone in a meadow - even in the desert of the Tartars - even if it be the black sheep, the child "curse" of our letters. Chak author will identify for you always somewhere, and you will not get read. Take care, Chak go unnoticed in a crowd. He looks wary, but darkens striding toward the individual who has a book in his hands. To trap and out of his den, put a book on a park bench, hide yourself, you'll come out of nowhere, take this book, sit on the bench and spend the day reading it without a glance at passers.

Tchak? He reads everything, because he knows that this is everything that shape the world. His critical eye annoys many, but the author prefers to die for his ideas, that this death is slow or fast, because for him, literature is the supreme sacrifice. In 2001 he published Square celebrations that is, in my opinion, the novel's most daring, the most iconoclastic of contemporary sub-Saharan francophone literature. A novel that does not pass through the allusion to put it and who planted the knife in the wound (the wound, I would say). The author then acquired the reputation of "plague" of African literature. How would one speak of a novel in a language that evoked "flood" which haunted us but we held that we put in our books? In sum, parties Place is one of the most important novels of the early 2000s, both in form and in content themes and the breakdown. That, basically, the romance of the independence of the spirit of the African author. This masterly work deconstructing the foundations of a literature veiled timorous, hypocritical and motivated by the good conscience and activism that we will be auctioned as a standard literary African barely concealed nostalgia of Negritude. With Place des fêtes game of intertextuality suddenly took roots in our letters. Tchak reminded us that a writer was primarily any player. A great player. And he willingly howl there are too many uneducated in our literature and a writer is not necessarily an intellectual - or vice versa. Give lessons? No, rather fly in the round defender and Letters. Chak straightened the bar, puts things in place and recommended the infinite respect for all things written that has achieved greatness. And it was unbearable to see hacks parade with their records of what lessons should say, bellowing, denounce and write to release the so-called "African consciousness".
novel selected by the Orange Prize.
Each of his later books show the power of the imagination of a writer constantly on the move and unforgiving vis-à-vis himself. Never place after France's Immigration ( Place des Fêtes), it often goes in Latin America ( Hermina , Girls of Mexico, among others), it will evoke unexpected themes in the African author (sexuality, prostitution etc..) so that one could imagine that the author "dodged" Africa in his fictions, and we conclude lazily in a burst of relief, with his last title, Al Capone Malian (Mercure de France, 2011), the prodigal son would return to his native continent, the first trip that took place with unfaithful wife, a novel published in Africa.
Al Capone Malian is yet in a straight line from the world of his work in that it pursues the project of the author who is to annihilate the distances, peel cultures with a staging of the little people tormented in their manners. Al Capone Malian goes well in a "frontier perspective", between Guinea and Mali. It is a journey, an attempt to place the continent at the heart of mobility with its beliefs, its lightness, its joys and pleasures repressed fantasies, fantasies, his exaggerations, his clowning, his hypocrisy and know- what else. The language of this novel band appeased with knowledge of the microscopic field. In general Tchak set foot in places he later recalled in his novels. It identifies the geography, his training as a sociologist to question encourages manners. And therefore, his works become real slices of life. Al Capone in the Malian it is Europe that looks Africa she wanted to shape its image. If the black continent has resisted - we will remember the "no" famous Guinea in 1958 - perhaps as a breath ancient traditions that date back to time immemorial served as a shield. It is Europe now understand the "black soul" through the journey to the "heart of darkness" undertaken by the main character, Rene, for a report commissioned by a European magazine. This reminds me of Rene David, the character's White House Giovanni James Baldwin. I am also thinking of Bardamu Journey to the End of the Night Celine. The David Baldwin, the stubbornness of forbidden desire, and the Bardamu Celine, for the weight of wandering. Behind David Baldwin and Bardamu ago and Celine, and of course behind Rene Cherin can not be ruled out malicious smile Chak. The ability the author is to have blown his character autonomy of movement and a life of its own that makes the reader immediately the door Costume narrator fascinated by this traditional instrument, the Sosso Bala . Rene can quietly write an article about this sacred instrument without taking into account the behavior of Africans? Naming Africa clearly does not think that Tchak "finally" to the mainland. This is a consequence that I perceived from a point in his career: Africa "imaginary" - that betrayed by small points here and there in the previous books through its "Latino" - here comes tumbling down like a tributary that empties into a large sea after a long and winding journey.

Our place of exchange for 10 years ...
fact remains that we want, with Chak, not only a great writer but also a man of exceptional culture. These two qualities are rare, and until then I had only found that in a writer and a great friend: Dany Laferrière. Japanese authors? Chak speaks without stopping. Authors Latinos? This is his world of choice. The Man Without Qualities by the Austrian Robert Musil? Chak seems to cover this colossal work each month. Cuban poet and novelist Reinaldo Arenas puts him in ecstasy. Three sad tigers , the novel dizzying Guillermo Cabrera Infante, another Cuban, crazy and endless praise, and he even forgets to drink his dolly-mint when we discuss the first floor of Father Tranquille in the 1 st arrondissement of Paris. words with Chak, not to mention the rain and weather reminiscent of illustrations from the pages of the grandest of world literature . We write every day. As with Laferrière. And every day and I do Tchak round of what is written, what has been written and we love together. Because we are convinced that this is not just about writing, it is mostly forgotten, take the time to measure the size of other imaginary. Everything else is vanity, a commodity, alas, increasingly consumed by these day and age where the postures of circumstance, demagogy and militant morality is minting in defiance of the greatness of literature just waiting to breathe fresh air. As in the books of Sami Chak. And so goes the world and us.
A. Mabanckou
This text was published online in CulturesSud

Saturday, February 19, 2011

What Does Hiv Rash Looklike

the iconoclastic way of the world (6): The French have to "revolutionize"?

Listen, Gaddafi, Come On Sheila in exile! It amuses donf!

The Arab-Muslim world is still boiling. After Tunisia and Egypt who have got rid of their monarch, that now that the presidents of Libya, Algeria, Djibouti, the microscopic kingdom of Bahrain and Yemen live in turbulent times they try to squeeze by use of military force with heavy weapons. Who would have thought that the Libyans example sulked urbi et orb i surefooted as a dictator Muammar ( pictured here, left, with Ben Ali of Tunisia and fugitive ) - who was invited by Nicolas Sarkozy in France and placed his tents in the heart of Paris to house his retinue? Oh, it is true that it was time to secure lucrative contracts with unknown outcome today.

So new approaches to oust dictators outside while the Ivorians openly struggling to untangle a situation that everyone has finally integrated as part of normality. Sometimes we forget that the Ivorians are currently at an impasse with two roosters engaged in a battle backyard monitored by the UN. The black African countries, we have already written here in one of our chronic, are still in overdose of sleeping pills served by their dictator ...

And France in all this? I did not fail to smile when I read an article in Liberation , and especially the comment line of a registrant who thinks it is time that France also starts the revolution in the way of Arab-Muslim world. According this mixer the French have every reason to go on the street now. And this commentary starts from the top of his anonymity: "... should not we be the last of all countries to stand against our government. This is not the subjects of discontent missing. 6 million working poor to 750 Euros / month. 4 million unemployed. homeless to whom the candidate had promised Mickey one roof. Some undocumented hunted. And with that: Tapie which receives more than 200 million euros by an illegal procedure (audit) procedure initiated by the government (Lagarde). gusts planes built with gold and unmarketable .... "

Leave us alone, preparing a coup against Sarko!
Well, no exaggeration, my friends. This is only an anonymous comment. But you never know! Of what country are we talking about, anyway?? France is not a banana republic. It was the French who vote their president, and to our knowledge French presidents do not cling to power for three decades. They leave after being beaten: Giscard and Chirac ( pictured here) can stroll the streets Paris - which is not the case for most African presidents who choose to die in their seats or be evicted ( Mobutu, Idi Amin Dada, Mubarak, Ben Ali ...) The French elections are held so by democratic rules. Bringing Nicolas Sarkozy in power? The French nation. And these people have the opportunity to re-election in 2012 or to choose another statesman. This will certainly not be the case for the Libyans, Djibouti, the Congolese from Brazzaville or Kinshasa, Gabon or Angola.
So ask the unconscious which confuses things especially not dream of revolution every turn. At the risk of making a revolution against yourself. Changes m ven the most desirable have their melancholy because that's the way the world and us.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Vitex Starch Ingredients

way of the world (5): Fessologue landed at Los Angeles VA

One of the technicians and the actor discussed the lighting

This 17 February to 20 hours Black Bazaar, the excerpt from my novel of the same name will be played for the first time the United States. Los Angeles was obviously the city we had in sight - always start from where it is to counter the biblical words that no one is prophet in his country. It's also remember that it is possible to travel texts in French speaking areas which have many Francophones and Francophiles. Moreover, if one day you pass by Los Angeles (and California) do not try to speak ill of the Americans in French. You will certainly be surprised by the number Californians who understand you. French tourists will not change: they imagine that, out of their little flock in Gaul, they can speak ill of others (mostly Americans) who would, in their opinion, unfit to learn another language American English. Big mistake, my friends!

A technician notes the actor's instructions
Consul of France in Los Angeles, David Martinon , will this as well as several American journalists who love the language of Voltaire and of African creativity. This morning I was able to accompany the actor Modeste Nzapassara that was his last rehearsal. I could see how the technicians had the lights and prepared the "sound". I read with amusement the data sheet - written in French - and I should also translate to American technicians. It also allows to capture the technical language into another language. The room where the piece will take place reminds me of the modern Parisian Laundry , but a little larger and with a provision allowing the actor mobility and fusion with the public. The actor will play almost a full circle with a simple decor that recalls the loneliness of the character of Black Bazar in his small studio in Paris: a red trunk, a few books, a stool, two chairs, an inflatable bed, vacuum and typewriter (with tape).
Nzapassara Modeste has the typewriter
For the record, when Modeste Nzapassara, from France, found himself U.S. customs before, they surrounded the trunk and red typewriter. Questions. Doubts. Suspicions. The actor has had the good idea to show photos taken during performances in France. Customs officers now scrutinizing every object in comparison with that which was in the picture. They missed the last artist who crossed for the first time in his life the U.S. borders.
Anyway preparation part was held in a very euphoric and I am sometimes surprised to play comedian. Modeste had reason to laugh Fragments: to each his job. Do not eat the bread of another, told my mother. And I would add me: always share his bread with the other, because so goes the world and us.
Black Bazaar (adapted by Modeste Nzapassara based on the novel Black Baza Dr. Alain Mabanckou published by threshold) at Los Angeles Theatre Center , February 17 at 20h. The show will be followed by a reception in the main hall of the theater in the presence of Consul of France . ( Photos Alain Mabanckou )
Please click the link below for those who live in Nantes in the Loire Atlantique: The Nantais can see this show March 21 at 20:30

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sharon Haznedar Silver Hill Hospital

AND THE WORLD (4): The dog and his mistress

On Monday I was stuck in traffic jams while the trap that I went to meet Modeste Nzapassara which will play on Feb. 17 in Los Angeles part Black Bazar taken from my eponymous novel. So I was eager to meet and eat with him near his hotel in Westwood . The cars seemed stationary. I do not understand such a traffic jam earlier in the week. As I waited patiently in the car under a bridge, I lowered the window to ask for a driver whose dog, its tongue out, seemed as surprised as humans by these slowdowns vehicles. I asked this lady if there was an accident somewhere. She responded with a burst laughing: "You do not know we are today February 14? . I still could not see the report. "And then ? ," I retorted. Without losing his smile she let go, " February 14 is the feast of love. The problem is that all these assholes men want to prove to us they love us when we need to love us all year, even a lifetime and not only on 14 February. That film, Sir! Look at me all these morons, they bottling the streets of Los Angeles, and I can not even walk my dog. It's been two hours since I try to reach Hollywood, and usually I do this route in less than twenty minutes! "

The Los Angeles Theatre Center

The dog seemed to acquiesce about his mistress. It must be said that she and her animal showed a blatant complicity. Whenever the lady spoke to me the dog moved his snout up and down in approval. And that was not all: the woman was wearing a red hat, the dog had a red scarf around his neck. And to top it off, the car also was red, including the seats. Almost two hours later, when I told this to Modeste Nzapassara, he sneered and called me a novelist. But I was reminded of this dog and his mistress. This animal did he understand the language of men? And why the red?
Well, he must think of something else, the play that Black must Bazaar Modest Nzapassara play at Los Angeles Theatre Center . Never be entertained by either the dogs or their owners because so goes the world and us.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Red Scorpion 6 Raven Knife Diagram

way of the world (3): indignation you!

My neighbor loves France and he likes to explain the greatness of this country which he said is the best place on earth . He postcards he shows me, but they have been sent by a French woman with whom he is feverishly. Whenever he receives a missive from his sweetheart he comes hit home for me to show it. I reminded that this neighbor has never set foot in France? And I asked him how he imagined this country. He sees a blue sky. With friendly people. Without strikes. Without ministers' trips sponsored by some North African countries whose presidents are hunted by the people. He sees it as a country without discrimination, where blacks and Arabs have equal rights as "French stock. So he wondered what keeps me in California instead of going to enjoy the rights that France accords to everyone. I smiled and told him that I ask myself the same question. And as I have no answer, I stay where I am.

Hessel: I am indignant, so I am!
The dog of the same neighbor has lost half its tail. We do not always know who may have committed a crime that could push Brigitte Bardot to indignation. Yes, France is the motto here: you indignant. Even if there is no reason you indignant. You indignant with the old and wise Stéphane Hessel (92 years). This has spawned a book of 32 pages pages under very threatening: indignation you! (Ed. Native, 3 euros). And it's a bestseller and "theory" policy. Why write books of 500 pages so you can easily get people to indignation with a few lines? The world is now complex and difficult to find reason to be indignant? The wise Hessel, former Tough, says to search, dig, there is always somewhere a ura right to be angry even if Sarkozy is no longer in power. Poverty immigration, economic power, look, look, you will find! Indignation is perennial, my friends. Not need a reason. You still can not find? So indignant yourself against internet connection is slow. Indignant you cons candy that are no longer pink. Indignant you cons rivers no longer rivers alone. And this morning I take offense against the person or animal that has cut the tail of my neighbor's dog. I just sent a letter to Stéphane Hessel about it. I await his reply. So goes the world and us.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Bmi Median For United States By Year

way of the world (2): Black Africa and the sleeping pill

Ali, you see, the people we regret!
Under public pressure the "pharaoh" Hosni Mubarak ( left in the photo, with another fugitiif, Tunisia's Ben Ali ) has finally resigned from the presidency just the day j 'inaugurated on this blog my series of columns entitled So goes the world. A very good news for democracy in Africa. It remains several questions come to mind on the presence and continuity of the dictatorships in black Africa. Tunisia and Egypt show us that people are not condemned to accept the silence, humiliation and lack of expression. These North African countries show us that it is mostly useless to be in possession of heavy artillery to turn a dictator in a poor paper tiger. Until dictatorships were considered inevitable and, in respect of the life expectancy of monarchs often very high, the people submitted themselves, on God's decision to end the days of the dictator. But this one, before dying, has had ample time to prepare one of his relatives, usually his son ... It is time to say loud and clear that Africa deserves a true black sweep policy, a large dry cleaning. Africa is not intended to remain a conglomerate of banana lands. Not aware of this situation is to be complicit in the disintegration of the black continent. It was unthinkable to see some heads of state from sub-Saharan Africa remain several decades in power through terror, falsification of election results, even with acquaintances with former colonial powers.
Me, me, me and me
Black Africa is so timid and without momentum heroic point let the wind that blows from the north of the continent? Anyway, the victories won by Tunisia and Egypt are in the light of day the static nature of this black Africa, which most often tends to swallow without flinching for decades that the powerful sleeping pill Monarch serves. That's what sleeping pill that Tunisians and Egyptians no longer wanted to swallow and is distributed everywhere in Zimbabwe, Congo - Brazzaville, Angola, Cameroon etc.. - Sometimes with a little syrup as in Senegal where the octogenarian president is to remain on his throne, or to place her offspring. So goes the world and us.

Nami Und Robin Hot Spiele

way of the world (1): Stay or flee president for life?

Mubarak: Egypt loses me, too bad for her!
1. In Egypt a popular revolution behind, and demonstrations are almost no future vigils. The Egyptians hope to hunt their president as did the Tunisians. But the revolution is really "contagious"? Dictators have always more than one trick up their sleeves. This will require, at least for a time, follow the belching of Pharaoh Hosni Mubarak decided to take the reins until the end of Egypt. Several decades of unchallenged power did not leave enough time for that bully and autocrat of impoverishing the people of Egypt. He wants clinging to the end of the year, then he would go in not calling for elections. This song is known. Who says he really leave? Here, at last Pharaoh took tengente through the resignation! He joins another autocrat fugitive, Ben Ali of Tunisia!
Gbagbo: You attack me? The slate will be salty!
2. Côte d'Ivoire? The country is split into two with a Gbagbo (former president) became the bard and Africanity Alassane Ouattara (elected recognized worldwide) converted most famous resident of a luxury hotel in Abidjan. It gave Gbagbo a few weeks of stubbornness. It has threatened military intervention. It has cut its "food", it can no longer point to the counter of the Bank of the community of states of West Africa to withdraw money to pay his faithful. But the "rebel" is a way around that. He seems to know his country and his people. What the International Community learns the hard way. So Laurent Gbagbo "comfortably" installed on his throne for months, under the nose and the beard of an international community that multiplies the negotiations have become ridiculous in the long run. Gbagbo supporters even among some intellectuals in Africa.
Martine Aubry: I speak of Africa and we do not hear me?
3. In Senegal we still talk of another Dakar Speech . In 2007 it Sarkozy who spoke with the prejudices we know. This time it Martine Aubry, the Socialist Party secretary of the French, who made his own. It appears that this speech was not heard, people are more attentive to the claims of the wife of a potential candidate for the French presidency, A nne Sinclair, which suggested indirectly that her husband Dominique Strauss Kahn, current head of the IMF, resign this enviable position to start in the race for the Elysee. So, what is a speech in Dakar over the face of gossip cleverly relayed throughout the French press? In addition, poor Martine Aubry stuttered throughout his speech. She failed to pronounce the names Christiane Taubira and Leopold Sedar Senghor. was wrong party. Yes, very bad start. That is always when you go to Dakar for a speech on the history of the black continent. Maybe we would advise the French to decide what kind of talk elsewhere? But where So what? So goes the world and us.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Does A Baby Hernia Hurt


The following was published on Wednesday 9 February in the columns of the weekly "Les Inrockuptibles". Edouard Glissant passed away on February 3, leaving behind a huge work which makes him one of the most important thinkers of those times. It is now urgent to go to meet this piece that says the human condition with an accent of brotherhood immeasurable.

Edouard Glissant's work is the subject of symposia at universities worldwide. The author is revered in the United States who welcomed in 1989 as a teacher, first in Louisiana, then New York. His theory of "all-world," his "poetics of relation" and its dissection of the work of Faulkner authoritative.
His greatest echo in France? This is longstanding: he received the Prix Renaudot in 1956 for his first novel, The Lézarde (Threshold). Otherwise, the writer remains highly sensitive in the Hexagon, published by Gallimard with fidelity. There was a little thrill when he published with Patrick Chamoiseau The uncompromising beauty of the world (Gilead, 2009), an "address for Obama." But this was not the work of Glissant we discovered. The U.S. election has sparked enthusiasm and questions on race and tolerance. The little booklet was maintained for several weeks in the bestsellers in France.
The public will always be a strong argument: the novels of the author is too steep, and recommends a sprawling preparing to enter this world of creation "chaotic". The author would therefore be stored in the prestigious circle of writers that we respect, we quote and we especially do not read. They murmured his name for the Nobel literature for decades. He waited, serene. But he chose his friends Walkott Derek, Wole Soyinka or Nadine Gordimer ...

They also say that the author had Martinique
disciples Patrick Chamoiseau, Raphael Confident , among others. No, he had no disciples. It was a Robinson Crusoe. He seemed very lonely. And then, over the past years parts scattered among the poems, novels and theoretical works have come together to create a set to light that could be described as one of the last intellectual daring of our time.

From his famous concept of Antillanité - deconstruction of the history of the West Indies under realities of race, language classes, social hierarchies on the one hand, and the recognition of a plural identity of the other - the writer was able to challenge the human race. We are linked, "he recalls, the" relationship ", and these are the encounters that shape our humanity constantly in motion. Know each other, tolerate each other: "I want to get you as far as that life can afford," he wrote in The Underground (Seuil, 1965). The Intention and poetic (Gallimard, 1997): "If the sands your shore you dig the sword in the other, clean and worry 'm a hoe. If the flaming sword in the hands of another, the hard, or task of uprooting to arm the other - provided that you - the same vow. This is the vow. "
This plural identity, Glissant calls the identity rhizome. A quest that is found throughout his work, including through three novels essential ( The Fourth Century, and Malemort The Case of the Commander ) and in his essays the most studied (Poetics the Relatio n The Caribbean Speech, Treaty the All- world, The Intention poetic ), all published by Gallimard.

The fact remains that as a thinker rather than as a novelist Slippery may remain in our memories. Unless we keep us separate these two fields. In thought as in fiction, there is a link: the world. And this world as a whole.

Alain Mabanckou
Text published in "Les Inrockuptibles ", February 9, 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Request For Donation Letter For Church Activity

ANY MOVE AROUND Dany Laferrière

Dany Laferrière Karibe Hotel Port-au-Prince after the earthquake
be remembered the Photo of Dany Laferrière in Port-au-Prince, in the courtyard Karibe, face tight, notebook in hand. Haiti's capital had been shaken by an earthquake which had decided to strike January 12, 2010 ... 16 h 53. A time to turn green with envy the railway companies.
Laferrière was there at that particular time. A year earlier he had published The Riddle of the return (Grasset, Prix Médicis 2009), his most ambitious novel, in which he traced the inner quest of the father disappeared without having "passed the baton" to his son become one of French-speaking writers foreground.

was the poet's book of the migrant, the exile, and especially the response of the "second generation of Haitians, the target of the Duvalier dictatorship. And we entered Haiti with infinite emotion, guided by the author who wanted to show us every inch of her vanished youth, to introduce the naive painters, daily life, before we propose as a lunch prepared by his lawyer mother, wife more than ever standing inextinguishable torch in the darkness of a nation that holds the world record for coups.
Laferrière us back once again with his island is moving beneath me. Some read this book as a "notepad" for those who have not seen or experienced "it." The time is shortened and the voyeurism, the human tragedy being one of the most popular ingredients. Laferrière knows and his writing at once sublime and peaceful opposition to misery not to give us an account of the damage but the act of rebirth of a land still démantibulée whose inhabitants jealously maintain dignity. The earthquake did not win, otherwise why the concrete fell it while the flowers have resisted? It is basically the people who dictated this book.
The "I" becomes collective Laferrière. Main characters, Haitians - missing or earthquake survivors, friends, relatives or strangers cross the street - are expressed while the author is aware of his role. It is a book of life, meetings, whispers, conversations. It reviews the mother Laferriere as we had left in the riddle, and was heard telling his son:
"I will have seen everything in this country of coups Military repeated cyclones, floods devastating hereditary dictatorships, and now an earthquake. "
Pace Laferrière's nephew - one of the characters and aspiring writer - is moving beneath me should read the novel of Haiti, this novel as the writer points out, occurs in a place (Haiti), at a time (4:53 p.m.) and features more than two million Haitians. Not forgetting, of course, those who, near or far, have come to the rescue of the first black republic.

Alain Mabanckou

This book review was published in the literary pages of Figaro of January 27, 2011