Monday, February 14, 2011

Sharon Haznedar Silver Hill Hospital

AND THE WORLD (4): The dog and his mistress

On Monday I was stuck in traffic jams while the trap that I went to meet Modeste Nzapassara which will play on Feb. 17 in Los Angeles part Black Bazar taken from my eponymous novel. So I was eager to meet and eat with him near his hotel in Westwood . The cars seemed stationary. I do not understand such a traffic jam earlier in the week. As I waited patiently in the car under a bridge, I lowered the window to ask for a driver whose dog, its tongue out, seemed as surprised as humans by these slowdowns vehicles. I asked this lady if there was an accident somewhere. She responded with a burst laughing: "You do not know we are today February 14? . I still could not see the report. "And then ? ," I retorted. Without losing his smile she let go, " February 14 is the feast of love. The problem is that all these assholes men want to prove to us they love us when we need to love us all year, even a lifetime and not only on 14 February. That film, Sir! Look at me all these morons, they bottling the streets of Los Angeles, and I can not even walk my dog. It's been two hours since I try to reach Hollywood, and usually I do this route in less than twenty minutes! "

The Los Angeles Theatre Center

The dog seemed to acquiesce about his mistress. It must be said that she and her animal showed a blatant complicity. Whenever the lady spoke to me the dog moved his snout up and down in approval. And that was not all: the woman was wearing a red hat, the dog had a red scarf around his neck. And to top it off, the car also was red, including the seats. Almost two hours later, when I told this to Modeste Nzapassara, he sneered and called me a novelist. But I was reminded of this dog and his mistress. This animal did he understand the language of men? And why the red?
Well, he must think of something else, the play that Black must Bazaar Modest Nzapassara play at Los Angeles Theatre Center . Never be entertained by either the dogs or their owners because so goes the world and us.


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