The French Indochina (Dong Duong Thuoc Pháp ) is a former French colony, the colonial administration building, comprising:
- Tonkin, Annam and Cochin China as the State of Viet Nam from 1949 to 1955 (similar territory to that of the current Socialist Republic of Viet Nam)
- Laos;
- and Cambodia.
Chronology of the Conquest
Territorial Expansion and French Indochina:
early seventeenth century: Arrival of Catholic missionaries.
1858: First French intervention and conquest of Cochin China. 5 June 1862
: Treaty with Viet Nam. France has a remit several provinces that form the Cochin.
1863: Cambodia is placed under the French protectorate.
1881-1885: Franco-Chinese War.
1884: The Annam is placed under the French protectorate
1887: County called "Indochinese Union".
1887-1893: Fighting between French and Thai, and Laos was under French protectorate.
1896: End of the conquest, a military standpoint.
1907: Cambodia and Siam retrieves the provinces of Battambang and Siem Reap: final borders French Indochina.
Here are some integers that reflect changes in emissions of stamps in this "colony of exploitation" ...
emissions colonies general:
emissions type group:
specific emissions in Indochina:
For philatelic and postal history:
http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histoire_philat% C3% A9lique_et_postale_de_l% 27Indochine
: / / fr.wikipedia.org / wiki /% C3% Indochine_fran A7ais
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